"Building The Team"

I love to train my dogs and I love to teach people to train their dogs. I hope my students find as much joy being with their dogs as I find in being with mine!

"Before you teach skills & fundamentals, make people feel good about their abilities. Make them believe they can perform." Rick Pitino

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Kelpie Country- Vancouver Island

We got home yesterday from the island. Went to visit my daughter and grandson and I went to a trial while I was there. It was outside and rained the first day and was great the next day.
I got to meet 5 other kelpies! One was a 6 month old little girl that belonged to one of the judges, mmmm a girlfriend for Luc?? This little girl was also straight from Australia. very nice little girl.
Cavall had to be pulled from the trial after his 1st run, he has pulled some muscles in his back which is affecting his groin muscles. Kinda like having sciatica pain in both legs.
Luc did fairly well, Saturday we belonged to the 5 fault club for the first 2 Master standard runs, one 5 fault was weaves, the other, I believe, was a bar. He got his Steeplechase run and was 1st, Master gamble was very close with 58 points in the opening, In the closing I said "thru" (tunnel) too soon and he went straight to the tunnel, missed a jump. Luc can be very literal and I had walked it with saying the 2 jump commands, but had a brain fart in the heat of the moment.
Sunday was a better day, he got his first Master Standard run, with 2nd place, a kelpie came first! He was .4 of a second behind.
He got his first advance jumpers and another advance snooker.
My dogs travel so well they are a pleasure to go places with.
Cavall did his other job very well, guarding the van. I am sure he was keeping score to see how high he could get them to jump!


Sarah said...

sounds like an awesome trip Lynda!

congrats on some great runs with Luc, and I hope Cavall is feeling better soon.

Papillon Penny said...

Happy to hear you had a great trip!
Hope Cavall is doing OK.

Lynda said...

Cavall will be out for a few weeks, if not a couple or more months. good thing I am getting him back into tracking
Tracking is really what he loves to do!