"Building The Team"

I love to train my dogs and I love to teach people to train their dogs. I hope my students find as much joy being with their dogs as I find in being with mine!

"Before you teach skills & fundamentals, make people feel good about their abilities. Make them believe they can perform." Rick Pitino

Sunday, April 4, 2010


TT trial in March last run for the weekend. Walking the snooker course for Luc. Could I do 4 sevens? Could I get this dog past jumps to the red jump? My gut was in a knot. Privatley I deceided to go for it. What could happen? A non Q run.. So I said try it, The biggest thing that happened in this run was how it made me stay focused on my dog to get the course done. I need to run each course, standard,jumpers, gamblers, steeplechase with this kind of focus. I will learn how to get to that place for every run I do with this dog.

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