"Building The Team"

I love to train my dogs and I love to teach people to train their dogs. I hope my students find as much joy being with their dogs as I find in being with mine!

"Before you teach skills & fundamentals, make people feel good about their abilities. Make them believe they can perform." Rick Pitino

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

unwanted guest!

Ever had an unwanted guest? They just do not get the message?
Ours is back for the 2nd time in about 10 days. Went outside this morning to feed the dogs and cats. The cats were refusing to go into their shed to eat.
The shed has a doorway for the cats, where their food and shelter is.
I opened the door and the wonderful light smell of skunk once again greets me along with the 5 piles of sh_t!
Yes its a skunk! Cat food bucket is tipped over and he figures he is invited to stay for the winter with free food.
I leave the door open hoping he will leave and go off to the pool to do my lengths.
When I get back I start hauling things out of the shed, brave or stupid, ready to run like hell, (like I can outrun a wild scared animal!) I get one side of the shed emptied and start on the other side and there he is! Behind my dog crates , backed into a corner has far as he can go. I proceed to bang on the walls , throw things at the crates and basically make it very noisy. Oh did I mention I am still ready to run like hell if he decides to move.
I decide to leave him for a while and come back and check. He is gone!
I have the cat food up very high, do skunks climb?
I may have to get help to get rid of the skunk if he comes back again.
I do not need my 5 dogs and 2 cats catching fleas from him!
Hoping the unwanted guest stays away!
**** Remember to vote today!!
take care

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