"Building The Team"

I love to train my dogs and I love to teach people to train their dogs. I hope my students find as much joy being with their dogs as I find in being with mine!

"Before you teach skills & fundamentals, make people feel good about their abilities. Make them believe they can perform." Rick Pitino

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Training Troop AAC agility trial Oct.18 & 19

It was a fun weekend had by all. Two clients , Leona & Jinx ( heeler) and Katrina & Indy (Manchester Terrier ) had a fabulous weekend. They are great teams and wonderful trainers. Congratulations on their qualifying rounds!
Myself and Cavall, at the Masters level, started out our first 2 runs really rough. Cavall was not grounded and was acting very "spacey". The rest of the weekend went well with qualifying rounds in 2 standard, jumpers, team (thanks Sarah and Kaleb !), & Steeplechase.
Cavall was started on thyroid meds late spring and we are trying to find the correct dose. I took him back into the clinic for blood tests to see where his levels are at. Hopefully an adjustment can be made to his dosage and it will help with his mental concentration.
I am hoping that is the reason he was so "high" on Saturday.
take care


susan allport said...

Thought you would be interested in thos short omega-3 video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIgNpsbvcVM

Sarah said...

I really enjoyed watching Jinx and Indy too!

Thanks again for being such a great team partner!

I hope you figuring out those meds for Cavall, I know how frustrating that type of thing can be - K has such bad allergies, there always seems to be SOMETHING!