"Building The Team"

I love to train my dogs and I love to teach people to train their dogs. I hope my students find as much joy being with their dogs as I find in being with mine!

"Before you teach skills & fundamentals, make people feel good about their abilities. Make them believe they can perform." Rick Pitino

Monday, January 18, 2010

Not to be out done by Little Brother!!

Cavall had a wonderful master gamble, 118 pts!!! the flow was good and he was not to frantic. As the weekend went on Cavall went into a very stressed state. I pulled him on Sunday. It was doing him and me no good to be together in that situation.
As alot of my agility friends know, Cavall has health issues. Some of which I believe, was brought on by vaccinations. I have also had professionals suggest that this may have caused his auto immune diseases. He is know on complete rest from agility for one month and then we will slowly start getting him back in. He is such an incredible dog and as took me to a higher level in agility and as a trainer. He has taught me that perseverance pays off and good things do come our way! The harder you work for it, the sweeter it is! Thanks Cavall, love ya Bud!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

that was awesome Lynda and Cavall!