"Building The Team"

I love to train my dogs and I love to teach people to train their dogs. I hope my students find as much joy being with their dogs as I find in being with mine!

"Before you teach skills & fundamentals, make people feel good about their abilities. Make them believe they can perform." Rick Pitino

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

sheepherding and judges application

Well we let little Luc see sheep last week, he could not believe his eyes! We left a long line on him just in case he wanted some mutton to snack on. Louanne had me follow the sheep and to send Luc to check them out. He would for a minute then come back to me and walk beside me checking up at me ,"can I really?"
We finally took the line off him and presto! ( I guess he thinks if he has a leash on he is to stay with me.. good dog!) Yipppee, round and round we go! He got one separated from the group and into a corner. He was holding it there just for a moment and the sheep tried to intimidate him by putting its head down and stamping her feet. It didn't work and I called him back to me. Did not want him getting into that when he is so young.
Luc went back to the group and was doing his thing and he did something Louanne called a flank and she said he figured it out and we ended it on that good note. He was exhausted after. Did not get any pictures but did get some video.
We will try it again in about a month. Gotta learn what I need to do out there.

On another note we had to move my equipment out of the arena I rent for a couple of weeks . I have some equipment home , thank goodness as the weather has been great!
also the timing for a break from teaching was right on as I am applying to become an AAC Judge for the starters/advance level. Had to design 4 courses and do a pre TEST! My head hurts and I have not done a test in a Thousand Years! I stress over tests! I emailed it off last night, hopefully I Pass it to continue for the 3 day exam in March.


Papillon Penny said...

Wow! You'll be an awesome judge! Good for you!

Sarah said...

can we book you for our Agility Trial next year :) congrats, i agree with Penny, you'll be a GREAT judge!

sounds like Luc had a great time with the sheepies too! Have you tried Cavall?

manymuddypaws said...

you will be a great judge!!! i am so excited!

and that is cool that Luc got to play with the sheep!

Lynda said...

Thanks gals!